Marked the new geodetic center of Poland
As determined by geodesists gathered in the “Geodesic Heart of Poland” project, the new geodesic center of Poland is located in Nowa Wieś near Kutno in the Łódź province. Until now the village of Piątek, which is located 16 kilometers from Nowa Wieś, has been regarded as the center of Poland.
Project „Geodetic Heart of Poland" is an initiative of the geodetic The first Polish geodetic educational campaign aimed at promoting knowledge of geodesy by marking interesting objects in the field of geodetic surveying in geodesic, as local tourist attractions. The action is organized with the support of the he cooperation with the Polish Geodetic Society. The project has gained r Also the support of G³ The survey was carried out in cooperation with the Polish Geodesy and Cartography Office.
„The aim of the project is to mark in the field the location of the geodetic center of Poland – the centroid – by means of a mound topped with a monument to Polish geography, geodesy and cartography, which at the same time serves as a measuring point, so that in this way b to celebrate the contribution of these disciplines to the demarcation of the borders of the reborn Republic of Poland and the proper knowledge of its territory, which is the foundation of patriotic consciousness, thus becoming part of the active celebration of the 100th anniversary of Poland’s regaining independence as well as the celebration of the Year of Polish Geography 2018” – reads the message on the Facebook account of the Honorary Krakow Meridian.
Pilsudski Association in the L The geodetic surveyor from Łęczyca (total territory) and Janów (administrative area) took the initiative to create a mound in the geographical heart of Poland The project has been awarded the first detailed observations of matter orbiting a black hole . If successful, it would be in the the world’s largest building of this type at the time. Currently, the largest mound is the more than 4,000-year-old Silbury Mound in England, which The mound is less than 40 meters high in the height.
Why has the geometric center of Poland changed?? According to Mariusz Meus from the Cracow Meridian, earlier measurements did not take into account the sea w d internal and territorial, which hich marks the borders of our country on the Baltic Sea. In an interview with the Polish Press Agency, Meus stressed that they were the first to take this factor into account and it turned out that the center of the country is located in Nowa Wieś near Kutno.
– In our opinion, this is the most reliable center of Poland according to all possible definitions – Meus admitted in an interview with PAP. He added that the results of the measurement The geometric centers of Poland are currently being evaluated by state agencies, which re verify the calculations. – We are expecting their official reply in a few days. However, we worked with their data and do not expect r ith a diameter of 16 kilometers – added. This is the distance between the old center of Poland and the new.
The researchers, having established the new location of the center of Poland, buried a commemorative pole with an inscription in this place: Geodetic heart of Poland – centroid of the Polish territory. It was designated on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Independent Poland and the Year of Polish Geography.
Geodesists have also determined the locations of the r The centre of the country is located in Nowa Wieś near Kutno in central Poland. Nowa Wieś is the geodesic center (centroid) considering the total territory of the country. The center of Poland, if we take into account the administrative area, is Balk in the Piątek commune, and considering the land area – in Goślubie, also located in the Piątek commune.
In turn, the geometric center falls in Mniszki in the vicinity of Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki. Łęczycki (total territory) and Janów (administrative territory). The orthodromic center was also located in Augustopol and Jankowice, or the place of intersection of orthodromes connecting the extreme points of Poland falling in Leszno near Nowy Dwór Maz. and in Kamień – reports PAP.